
Rayna Rai | Producer & CEO

When Rayna isn’t performing as a cast member you can find her at her desk working on anything CC media related: overlay’s, short form content editing, thumbnail design, long form content editing, social media material, posting schedules & analytics overview and just general administration & coordination efforts for scheduling, planning and producing CC.  She also oversees the business & financial aspects of Careful Cantrip.

DM Dave | Technology & Design

A man of all talents, creative story writer & the one who handles everything technical & design on this channel. Dave is responsible for everything that goes into streaming whether it’s OBS integration, 3D modeling of our minis and terrain, audio & visual design & clean up, you name it, Dave can do it. Without Dave you wouldn’t see our faces on the internet

Bobby | Channel Artist

Bobby is responsible for all the character art related to our show. He also plays a huge role in design of our overlay while Rayna nitpicks his incredible work.

Peter | Chief Advisor

Peter is a household name over at Careful Cantrip. No one knows why, but he supports us as if it was his own channel. From brainstorming to editing, you name it, Peter is always a reliable source of help for us.